Give it to me!!

Hidedy Ho All!!

So I gave a good aquaintance of mine a little gifty for the baby she was about to have, and the scene went something like this:

Her: Hey Bonnie how are you. (she was tired - 9 mo pregnant)

(I hand her the gift as I sit to visit)

Me: Good! I got you a little something. You seem tired. Ready to have that baby?

(She begins to unwrap the gift)

Her: Yeah. I'm on my feet all day and we will probably induce on the 12th. I'm hoping that we won't have alot of visitors when the baby is born. This is great. My mother-in-law thinks she will be coming to stay a week, but my husband is going to have a little talk with her about that.


Perhaps you missed her reaction to opening my gift.

"This is great".

That's all I got people. Now I do consider myself a rather demonstrative person, and by all accounts I try not to expect the same of others, to let them be themselves in this way, but COME ON! I need more than a non-emphatic "this is great"! I need feedback!!

From time to time, my husband finds humor in purposefully NOT giving me feedback about something which I am hotly trying to engage him in conversation about. These kinds of conversations are often punctuated with "Ya' know", "Right?", and other such lead-ins to response, from me. I pause, waiting for the feedback. I try to be considerate, because the man may be thinking before answering. I prompt with "Honey?", needing the feedback. He giggles. Drives me crazy!

I dunno. Maybe it's because I spend my days with VERY transparent people.

They are EXTREMELY clear about their emotions and have no trouble showing them. I find this refreshing and very satisfying. I'll take these "WOO - HOO! We're goin' to Taco Bell for lunch!"and "MAMA! (loud crying) I didn't want the blue paper! I wanted PINK!" -type reactions anyday, over the blase, non-emotional responses to life.

So, I admit, I need it. Be a pal, and give it to me, okay. Besides, it'll make you more child-like, and God says that's good.


  1. Hi, Bonnie. Good start. How about recounting the story of Shelly going to the birthday party?

  2. Hey Totila! You're my first customer! I wish I had a prize for you, but a big, squishy hug the next time I see you will have to do!!

  3. BonBon,
    I like the demonstrative transparency you have "demonstrated" thus far. Looking forward to more chuckles.
    Also, I realllly like the pic of the non-responsive chicka. She maka me laugh.

  4. You very very funny. I am so looking forward to more of what you got. Are you still edjimicating them babies at home? I want to hear more about your reality in that experience too. You know,... make me laugh some more.

  5. I'll do what I can my friend, I'll do what I can.
