What You Said To Me

Love, Coffee, Cup, Friend, Lover

(in my kitchen; me, resting my elbows on the counter, you, sitting in the armchair enjoying the coffee I made for you)

Me – What does ‘tarpaulin’ mean?

You – I don’t know.  (pause) Want me to Google it?

Me – (with furrowed brow) No. I don’t want you to “Google” it. I want a person I know to tell me because they know the answer.

You – What difference does it make as long as you find out what “tarpaulin” means?

Me – Well, I don’t like what this implies!  People in general just don’t know regular stuff anymore!  They have to “Google” it. (the word “Google” said in a taunting voice)

You – (with mock patience) I don’t think the definition of “tarpaulin” is “regular stuff”.  (off topic – you really need to work on your sarcastic attitude.  It’s kinda rude.)

Me – Well, I think day was that a “regular” person would’ve known that!

You – Well, You don’t!

(silence and a stare from me – you cheeky bugger.)

Me – (with a smug smirk) Well, that just proves my point now doesn’t it!  I’m concerned for us all!

You – Listen.  I get it, and sorta sympathize, but there is so much more we do know now!  And it’s right at our fingertips on the web.  I’m guessing you’re busting on technology in general, right?

Me – (with a skeptical look on my face, eyes narrowed, said slowly) Maybe.  Not really.  More on our ignorant reliance on it for everyday stuff.

You – Like what?

Me – (arms flung into the air as I purposely move toward my dusty array of cookbooks) Recipes for one!  Grandma’s biscuits aren’t cherished anymore…gotta look up “biscuits” online!!  But let’s be real! People just buy (disgust oozing from my voice) CANNED!

Dough, Biscuit, Chef, Cook, Grandmother

You – (interrupting my rant – also rude.) Oh brother.

Me – (kindly ignoring your rudeness and continuing) And how to do stuff!!  Like … (fumbling slightly for words)…crafts and stuff!  We can’t just … make a door decoration with a grapevine wreath, a glue gun, and silk flowers from Michael’s anymore?  NOOoooo!!  That’s not good enough!  (warming to my subject, hands on hips) We gotta look on “Pin-trest” (said with even more disgust than “Google” and a slight shake of the hips).

You – (condescending silence and slowly moving your chin to rest on your hand)

Me – (with increased confidence and volume) And that, my friend, brings us back to “tarpaulin”!  WORDS!  People don’t use great vocabulary anymore!  Because the majority of what they read is 3 word sentence texts (with an eye roll) from their vocabulary stunted friends!!!

You – (hurriedly hiding your phone under your leg after checking it for texts during my important soliloquy)

Me – (continuing) Whatever happened to using a dictionary?  Dear Daniel Webster is probably rolling over in his grave!

You – But people do use Webster’s – they just do it online.

Encyclopedia, Books, Pictorial Knowledge

Me – (sighing, calming down, and moving to my well-worn copy of Webster’s)  Well, I don’t like it.  What’s so wrong with keeping a real, live, thick, heavy book on the bookshelf and pulling it out as needed?
You – (lost in thought and beginning to gaze out of the window) Ya’ know, lots of people don’t keep many books anymore.  There are virtual copies of almost everything online… (the end of the sentence getting softer as you slowly turn your head to regard me and realize your massive blunder)

Me – Oh.     Don’t. Get. Me. Started.


  1. Dear Kindred Spirit...your writing style is absolutely excellent! I "discovered" your blog yesterday and have become enamored with both its content and its author. Even though we are thousands of miles apart (eastern tip of Canada), I feel we have many commonalities. Keep up the great work m'dear!

    1. Yippee! A Kindred Spirit!! You must be an "Anne of Green Gables" lover? For you, a quote from Anne Shirley..."Kindred Spirits are not so scarce as I used to think. It's splendid to find out there are so many of them in the world."

  2. Just found your blog and I love it! I would write more but I have to get out my dictionary and look up tarpaulin before not knowing makes me nuts. Luckily, my dictionary is kept in the same cabinet as my grandmothers cook books. Really! All my go to stuff in one place. Keep up the great work and I can't wait to read more!

    1. Great place to put both those important books!! Ha! and thanks for the compliments!

  3. Love your blog! Although, I am now perplexed with the want to look up Tarpaulin via google or to go find my dictionary. Dilemmas!

    1. Either one gets a thumbs up from me! Your desire to increase your vocab is far more important than your method. (though the traditional dictionary may exercise your brain more what with the alphabetical order, fine motor skills, recognition of words and letters....just sayin' ) Ha! ;)

  4. Oh dearest, I am thinking we might all (by "we," I mean me) be a tad bit on the lazy side...to actually remember where your dictionary is, pick it up, search for the needed word and comprehend the meaning, requires more skill from us than "googling" does. That being said, I confess...I do google, 'cause I'm quite lackadaisical about improving my vocabulary....JK...LY
